Proof of Concept
Mit den ersten Schlepptests vor Monfalcone (nördliche Adria) konnte das Team rund um Peter Steinkogler…
Aktueller Entwicklungsstand Prototyp
Der V-REX Sport als Prototyp ist fertig gestellt. Mit einer Länge von 10,30 m, einer…
Initial towing tests major success!
It was a big mile stone for us to test V-REX prototype first time on…
Sailing erectus
Anthropologists stated that people were able to walk upright for the first time around 1.6…
Assembling moving on
Adjusting the Stab-Wings is a critical step on the V-REX prototyping. The symmetrical Wings will support…
Marriage between deck & hull
Yesterday was a big day for the V_REX Team:First time we put the deck on…
Aero- & Hydrodinamics
The complexity to build a V-REX will combine the knowledge of aero- und hydrodynamics. Specially…
Hydraulics, stab-wings & co
In total 10 lightweight Hydraulic-Cylinders will provide all the needed forces to control the V-REX….
Prototyping is going on
PRE-PREG-CONSTRUCTION:After finishing outer skin now we are into making the core and inner skin. Absolute…
V-REX prepare for Edison price
In the category of CREATIV-INNOVATION V-REX is already voted in the 2nd level of the…