Initial towing tests major success!
It was a big mile stone for us to test V-REX prototype first time on…
Sailing erectus
Anthropologists stated that people were able to walk upright for the first time around 1.6…
Assembling moving on
Adjusting the Stab-Wings is a critical step on the V-REX prototyping. The symmetrical Wings will support…
Marriage between deck & hull
Yesterday was a big day for the V_REX Team:First time we put the deck on…
Aero- & Hydrodinamics
The complexity to build a V-REX will combine the knowledge of aero- und hydrodynamics. Specially…
Hydraulics, stab-wings & co
In total 10 lightweight Hydraulic-Cylinders will provide all the needed forces to control the V-REX….
Prototyping is going on
PRE-PREG-CONSTRUCTION:After finishing outer skin now we are into making the core and inner skin. Absolute…
V-REX prepare for Edison price
In the category of CREATIV-INNOVATION V-REX is already voted in the 2nd level of the…
CNC is ready for the hull
Hull design finished! The hull design is finished today and ready for CNC moulding. We…
The way for prototyping
Of course initially you have an idea, how sailing could be more efficient, faster, easier…